In this Blog you will find a extensive selection of Jquery plugin with css3 that make use of some thrilling and fresh CSS3 properties integrate with some new jQuery.
some nice and creative image galleries/sliders, innovative menu techniques etc. Hope It will helpful to you
1)Contextual Slideout Tips With jQuery & CSS3
Making a set of contextual slideout tips with jQuery & CSS3, which are ideal for product pages and online tours. As a bonus, they are SEO friendly, so all the content is visible to search engines.
2)Sliding Panel Using jQuery And CSS3
Horizontal sliding panels are great for many situations, but like everything else, they’re not always ideal. It depends on the project.Here you can learn how to make a vertical sliding panel.
3)Color-full rating System
By using the jQuery Color plugin, we can animate colors. Simply use the animate() function from jQuery to have colours fade to another colour. When using this feture, combined with some CSS3 features we can create a Colorful rating system.
4)Using Jquery Slider Portfolio
The main idea is to have a grid layout that we create with jQuery Masonry. Clicking to view more, we expand the according item to fullscreen in order to show a longer description of the item and a representative fullscreen background image.
Each item has a little slideshow of thumbs which will be animated to the right position once the portfolio item gets “expanded”.
5)Winding style Effect with jQuery
The slider is to initially have some smaller thumbnails rotated and arranged in the shape of a sine curve. When clicking on a thumbnail, it will zoom in to see a medium sized . Clicking again will make the large content area appear.
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